
05/01/2011 11:29 pm
posted by admin

Using Shrubs in Your Garden
Heath In woodinville wa snohomish county and king county1 300x186 Plantings

Shrubs are an excellent way to form the backbone of a planting scheme; their sense of structure and solidity provide a good balance against the softness of herbaceous plants. They posses a huge diversity of colours and textures and a variety of shapes and forms. From the bead-like berries of pyracanthas to the heavily perfumed plumes of lilac, there is bound to be a shrub that will suit your planting scheme.

Container Planting, Outdoor Planters

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Progressive and original contemporary planters designed for large commercial projects and architecturally significant residential homes. Light weight double rigid walls for large tree plantings. Six stone, metal and earth finishes.

Landscaping Services In Seattle Area


Contact Us
13110 Ne 177 Th St 104,
Woodinville, WA 98072
Phone:       425-354-5700